
An image of a journal with script writing and red paper cut out hearts on the corner of the journal.

Unfuck Your Relationship Escalator: (Re)Building Healthy Relationship Foundations

Unfuck Your Relationship Escalator: (Re)Building Healthy Relationship Foundations

No matter your level of experience with non-monogamy, “The Relationship Escalator” is bound to sneak up on you a time or two! But what if that’s not a bad thing?

Lilithfoxx has been a Non-hierarchal, Relationship Anarchist, Switchy Polyam for the better part of a decade. She’ll teach you how to avoid the fuckups and reframe The Escalator as a way to strengthen and build your non-monogamous relationships to stand the test of time. Topics of discussion include:

  • “The Relationship Escalator” (TRE) –  what it is, how it can be problematic, and its unexpected perks.
  • How TRE can hide in plain sight and look different based on a number of factors – including kink, social and power differentials.
  • Setting goals in relationships and dynamics that are authentic to you and your partner(s).
  • Using TRE as a catalyst for positive change in relationships and communication.

This class is suitable for anyone, regardless of relationship orientation. Attendees will learn healthy ways to communicate needs and build relationships that are applicable to all styles of love and relationships.