

Opening Up About Kink: How to Tell Your Partner You’re Kinky

Telling your partner about your kink interests can be a pivotal moment in a relationship. Understanding how to tell your partner you’re kinky is not just about sharing a personal secret; it’s about deepening intimacy and trust. Whether you’re new to the kink scene or have been exploring your interests privately, opening up about this part of your life is crucial for maintaining an honest and fulfilling relationship.

Step 1: Prepare Yourself


Before you bring up your kink interests with your partner, be clear about what you are into and what you hope to explore. Understanding your desires will help you articulate them more clearly.

Educate Yourself

Knowledge is power. Be prepared to answer questions about your kinks and practices safely. Your partner may have misconceptions or concerns, and providing informed responses is key to a constructive dialogue.

Step 2: Choose the Right Time and Place – How to Tell Your Partner You’re Kinky

How to Tell Your Partner You’re Kinky: Timing is Key

Choose a time when you and your partner are relaxed and not distracted by other responsibilities. Avoid times of stress or when you are both tired.

Private and Comfortable Setting

Have this conversation in a private setting where you both feel safe and comfortable. This might be at home on a quiet evening.

Step 3: How to Tell Your Partner You’re Kinky – Communicate Openly and Honestly

Be Direct but Gentle

Start the conversation with honesty and directness, but be gentle. You might say something like, “There’s something personal I’d like to share about my sexual preferences that means a lot to me.”

Use “I” Statements

Keep the conversation focused on your feelings and experiences. This prevents the discussion from sounding accusatory. For example, “I feel that sharing this with you can deepen our connection.”

Step 4: Educate and Reassure Your Partner About Your Kink


If your partner is unfamiliar with the kink community, they might need basic education about what your specific interests entail and how they are practiced safely.


Assure them that your interest in kink does not diminish your feelings for them or your satisfaction with your relationship. It’s an addition to your shared intimacy, not a replacement.

Step 5: Gauge Their Reaction and Proceed Respectfully

Listen to Their Response

Give them time to process the information and express their thoughts and feelings. Be ready to answer any questions they may have.

Respect Their Boundaries

They may need time to think about what you’ve shared or might not be ready to engage in kink. Respect their feelings and give them space if needed.

Step 6: Discuss Possible Next Steps

Propose Resources

If they are open to learning more, suggest reading materials, workshops, or communities where they can get reputable information. Have them create a FetLife account if they’re comfortable!

Take Small Steps

If they express, consider starting with small, less intimidating activities to ease into the experience together, ensuring that both of you feel comfortable.

Conclusion: Building Intimacy Through Honesty

Opening up about your kinks can strengthen your relationship, paving the way for deeper intimacy and understanding. Remember, the goal of this conversation is not just to share a part of your sexual identity but to enhance trust and openness between you and your partner. Approach this discussion on how to tell your partner you’re kinky with empathy, patience, and openness, ready to navigate whatever comes next together.
